Nov 9, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Playing electronic music live This article will answer some of the most common questions about playing live, including how to get started, the essential gear for electronic music, and what to expect on stage.
Nov 6, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Sarah Sommers with Trovarsi & Orly Gal on Transduction Signal Sarah brings a truly unforgettable musical and visual experience to her performance.
Oct 27, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Bandcamp bad news, Monologs EP02, Basimilus is back, and more Bandcamp layoffs, Monologs EP02 in the works, Noise Engineering modules, and album releases from Sine Mountain and Franck Martin.
Oct 2, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Sleepy Cat with Trovarsi & Orly Gal on Transduction Signal Sleepy Cat’s music is fueled by his passion for drumming and hardware synths.
Sep 30, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Musicalfungus speaks to the machine Musicalfungus welcomes us into his home, where we get a look at his current modular systems and his approach to using them.