Sep 4, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Heather Stebbins with Trovarsi & Orly Gal on Transduction Signal She works with sounds created by instruments, found objects, nature, and voltage to generate musical experiences.
Sep 1, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles SoCal Synth Society presents Sonic Silhouettes Friday, September 15 · 8 - 11pm PDT at the Supplyframe Designlab
Aug 31, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Noise Engineering mixes it up with the new Xer Mixa Noise Engineering's Xer Mixa combines analog purity with digital flexibility, set to redefine modular mixing come September 6, 2023.
Aug 29, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Eurorack... what went wrong, bye-bye Basimilus, album releases and more What's wrong with Eurorack, Noise Engineering modules, and new albums on Patch Dispatch EP.4
Aug 14, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Foldiplier from Zlob, a haunting album from Malarki, lo-fi with AI and more Foldiplier from Zlob, a haunting album from Malarki, lo-fi with AI and more on Patch Dispatch EP.3