M8 Tracker

M8 user interface

The M8’s user interface is divided into “Views” which can be navigated by holding [SHIFT] and using the [DIRECTION] keys. A helpful mini-map is located on the bottom right of the display. The functionality of each view will be discussed below.

Song View

The song view is where you structure your song, comprised of 8 tracks from left to right, with a list of chains for each track to play through vertically. The song can contain up to 256 rows of chains. Design considerations are discussed for maintaining track alignment and utilizing unused rows.

Chain View

A chain is a playlist of phrases, allowing easy construction of a musical idea. You can use up to 16 rows of phrases per chain, allowing up to 256 steps. Playback behavior is determined by the first empty phrase column the sequencer encounters in the chain.

Phrase View

A phrase contains 16 steps of notes with volume, instrument number, and 3 command effect columns. Each step's time representation and different column functionalities are explained in this section.

Instrument View

The instrument view is used to load, save, or edit the main settings for the sounds used in the song. There are 128 instruments available per song. The M8 has 5 instrument types to choose from.

Instrument Envelope View

This view is accessible above the instrument view. The envelopes and LFOs (Low Frequency Oscillator) alter instrument parameters over time.

Table View

Tables are little sequencers that play alongside instruments. They are an incredibly powerful tool to transform instruments and compositions. Each table has 16 rows that include a note transpose, volume amount, and 3 FX command columns.

Groove View

Grooves allow defining the speed of each of the 16 steps in a phrase. This section includes instructions on how to add swing to a song.

Scale View

Scales allow defining and quantizing note related events in M8. There are up to 16 user defined scales available per project.

Mixer View

The mixer allows you to view and adjust the volume of each of the 8 tracks, the 3 send effects, analog and USB input for monitoring, control the global DJ filter effect, and overall song volume and limiter.

Effect Settings View

The M8 has 3 send effects that are utilized by the instrument settings as well as on audio and USB input configured in the mixer view.

Project View

The project view contains settings relevant to the song as a whole. Saving, loading, and exporting can be found here as well as display color and brightness settings.

Theme View

In the theme view, you can adjust brightness and interface colors, load presets, and save preset themes for sharing.

MIDI Mapping View

Midi mappings are MIDI CCs or the touchscreen that are assigned to instrument or mixer parameters. Up to 128 mappings are available per song.

MIDI Settings View

Edit the MIDI settings for sync input and output, transport control, MIDI note recording options, and MIDI channel assignments in the MIDI settings view.

Render View

Rendering allows you to export sections, tracks, or the entire song as a 16-bit 44.1kHz stereo wav file.

Effect Command Help View

The effect command help view can be accessed to select an FX command. A small description of the highlighted effect is displayed at the top.