In this newsletter, the first episode of Monologs premieres, we listen to Alice Knows Karate on North Beats podcast, and Patch Dispatch covers trouble brewing at Bandcamp.
Monologs EP01
Monologs takes a closer look at your favorite electronic music artists. Learn about their creative process through interviews and performances.
Bandcamp bad news, Monologs EP02, Basimilus is back, and more on Patch Dispatch EP.7
On this episode of Patch Dispatch, Korey and Richard talk about the recent Bandcamp layoffs, Monologs EP02 in the works, Noise Engineering modules, and album releases from Sine Mountain and Franck Martin.
Alice Knows Karate interview on North Beats podcast
Alice Knows Karate - A fairytale & J-idol inspired alt-pop project by San Francisco Bay Area native Keiko Takamura.
SoCal Synth Society presents Sonic Silhouettes in Pasadena
An evening of live electronic music and discussion with SynthDad, Jill Fraser and Anthony Baldino.
From the Store
With Piqued merch, all of your wildest dreams will come true.

Piqued square sticker
These stickers are printed on durable, high opacity adhesive vinyl.