
The process of building his first Eurorack module was an exercise in creativity //

Evan Buswell, the creative force behind New Systems Instruments, is no stranger to the interplay between the natural and built environments. During a recent episode of Monologs, Evan reflected on how the perceived divide between nature and urban spaces is often misunderstood. "Nature isn't just out there in the wilderness; it's everywhere," he shared, emphasizing how this understanding influences his creative process. His approach to synthesis is deeply rooted in observing and interpreting the natural world's interaction with human-made structures.

This philosophy is vividly expressed in the design and function of his company's modules. New Systems Instruments, born from a desire to push the boundaries of sound design, reflects Evan's innovative spirit. The inspiration for his first module, the Harmonic Shift Oscillator, came from a moment of synthesis-related experimentation. "I figured out how to make the Harmonic Shift Oscillator," Evan explained, highlighting a breakthrough that propelled him to start New Systems Instruments.

Evan's work transcends conventional electronic music production, offering musicians and sound designers tools that open new realms of sonic exploration. His ability to draw connections between the organic and the synthetic is what sets New Systems Instruments apart. By blending these two worlds, Evan continues to challenge and inspire the electronic music community, proving that innovation often comes from rethinking the relationship between the familiar and the novel.

Monologs takes a closer look at your favorite electronic music artists. Learn about their creative process through interviews and performances.

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