Music returns to the Designlab
SoCal Synth Society presented Sonic Silhouettes last Friday, September 15th at the Supplyframe Designlab in Pasadena. An evening of live electronic music and discussion with SynthDad, Jill Fraser and Anthony Baldino.

The Designlab is a collaborative research and development studio that regularly hosts events with the local community and nearby colleges Caltech and CalArts.
Doors opened at 8PM, with light refreshments and snacks provided by our gracious hosts.
Performances started shortly thereafter and everyone found a spot around the perimeter of the room. A handful of colorful LED lights surrounded the stage in the dimly lit main room. The PA setup was simple but filled the space clearly.

The performances
Jill Fraser
American composer and electronic music pioneer based in Los Angeles, CA. Jill's hybrid setup composed of Ableton, Push controller, and modular, was a favorite with the crowd and a perfect way to start the evening.

Anthony Baldino
The composer and sound designer, also from Los Angeles, CA. Whose performance could be described as technical and tasteful modular IDM. Anthony's set was filled with sound design laden beats and cinematic motifs and ambiences.

An electronic musician, producer, and YouTuber based in Dublin, Ireland. SynthDad's Eurorack case heavily featured the new OXI Coral and controller OXI One. Of course, the night wouldn't be complete with the mini tutorial and Q&A that followed his set.

The night finished with a strong turnout and very positive feedback. I'd say it was a well received event. Thanks, SoCal Synth Society!