Apr 28, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Time scales and the Morphagene It's time.
Apr 27, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Tracker music and the M8: a history of influences The final realization of an ambitious MIDI tracker project that began in 2013.
Apr 27, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles TE's CM-15: A new tool in the electronic music landscape The CM-15 is positioned as a versatile tool for the on-the-go musician, which makes it suited for a range of use cases in the field.
Apr 27, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles An in-depth exploration into how FM synthesis works This article will dive into the core principles of FM synthesis, explaining how its components work together to create unique sounds.
Apr 26, 2023 Richard Hogben // Cofounder of Piqued // Los Angeles Getting real with reels A tape and microsound music module that pushes the boundaries of what's possible.